Semiconductors, device OEM, network vendors, and operators are dedicated to the quality of their products. Cellval offers wireless testing services to the 3GPP ecosystem to insure functionality, safety, performance and inter-operability.
Network Testing
CellVal engineers have developed a broad expertise with operators around the world e.g. AT&T, Orange, Vodafone, and Telcel. Our program managers and testers can plan and execute any device certification field and lab testing.
Drive Test
Drive Tests (or Field Tests) are required to characterize a device expected performances on a commercial-live environment. Field Test provide an invaluable insight into the real-world inter-operability of a device.

Performance Testing
We can help you validate your devices on live networks by providing regression testing in several geographies. CellVal can assist you with generating Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to compare your mobile phones to the competition.
Inter-Operability Test
Our engineers are experts at taking your devices and chipsets through Inter-Operability labs certification. Cellval engineers are located in the vicinity of major network vendor labs and have gained a deep insight into their testing procedures.