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Field and Drive Testing

Cellval first expertize is Field Testing. Our teams of engineers are conveniently located accross the US and stand ready to validate your mobile devices. 

Device Field Tests


Field testing is a unique feature of Mobile Certification. By requiring tests against field trial scenarios on live networks, as a complement to conformance tests in a controlled lab environment, Field Trials provide an invaluable insight into the real-world interoperability of a device. For each feature being tested, field trials are performed on a specified number of infrastructure combinations on live networks.

  • A pragmatic and relevant testing regime - based on tests defined by standards organisations - that is agreed collectively by the industry to meet market needs.

  • Global best practice to ensure consistency of testing

  • A clear distinction between core device capabilities and operator-specific features to define a boundary between the testing responsibilities of manufacturers and operators

  • Opportunities to reduce overheads for interoperability, conformance and functionality testing for manufacturers and operators

  • Faster mass-market adoption of new technologies.


Contact Cellval to increase your testing with our Field Test value proposal.






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